A Guide to Understanding Allergies and Skin Care for Dogs


Your dog’s skin is constantly under attack. From fleas and ticks to allergens, chemicals, and even weather changes, your furry family member has to fight everything that comes their way. When it comes to allergies in dogs, there are actually two different types of reactions: non-allergic hyper-reactivity (also known as atopic dermatitis) and true allergic responses (eczema). Both conditions involve an immune response that results from an adverse reaction between the body’s normal defenses against foreign substances or organisms. This reaction results from its inability to regulate these responses properly due to some kind of environmental trigger or injury.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is a reaction to a substance that is normally harmless. The immune system reacts to the allergen and produces antibodies, which are proteins produced by blood cells called B lymphocytes. These antibodies attack and destroy the cells that produce this protein, causing an allergic reaction in the body.

The most common animal allergens include food items such as milk or eggs; insect bites; pollen from trees, weeds, and grasses; flea bites (which can cause an allergic response in both dogs and cats); dust mites (found on almost every bedding product); pet dander from another animal’s fur/skin shed, etc.

While seasonal allergies only affect us during certain times each year – for example pollen season – many people suffer from year-round allergies due to environmental factors like mold spores left behind after renovations or construction projects at home/workplace buildings which then trigger an inflammatory response within our bodies resulting in symptoms such as sinus congestion headaches sore throats itching eyes watering nose bleeds, etc.

Why Do Dogs Have Sweaty Skin?

Dogs sweat through their skin, feet, mouth, nose, and skin when it’s hot and humid. Dogs can also sweat through the pads of their feet as they run or play outside.

Sweating is a sign that your dog is overheated and needs to cool off. Overheating can be dangerous for your pup if left untreated so make sure to check on them regularly so you know if there’s an issue with overheating.


How are skin allergies diagnosed in dogs?

Skin allergies in dogs are diagnosed by a physical exam and by taking a history. The vet will examine your dog’s skin and take a history of the symptoms to see if they match any known causes of allergic reactions. If you notice any redness or swelling on your dog’s body, this can be an early sign that something is wrong–and it’s important to get help right away!

The vet may also perform a blood test to check for allergies, and this can help determine if there’s a specific trigger. If your dog has been diagnosed with allergies, you’ll need to talk about treatment options with your vet.

How can I help my dog avoid skin allergies?

If you have a dog with allergies, it’s important to keep its coat clean. A regular bath can help reduce the amount of dander that builds up on your pet’s skin and make them less likely to develop allergy symptoms.

You should also use a mild shampoo and follow up with a conditioner after drying your dog off in order to keep its coat healthy. You can use human hair dryers if necessary; however, this may cause further irritation since these kinds of devices are meant for humans, not pets.

This is a perfect example of why it’s so important to keep your dog’s coat clean. As you can see, there are many reasons why a regular bath is good for your dog. If you have questions regarding the best way to bathe your pet please feel free to contact us here at the Animal Medical Center of Norco.

How can I help my dog with a skin disease like atopic dermatitis or eczema?

If your dog is diagnosed with atopic dermatitis or eczema, you’ll need to do a bit of research on your own. The first thing you should do is consult a board-certified veterinary dermatologist. They can help guide you through the process of diagnosing and treating skin disease in dogs so that they don’t end up having complications like secondary infections or even worse–death.

If your veterinarian isn’t helpful enough or doesn’t have all the answers yet, then consider seeing another veterinarian who specializes in canine medicine (and perhaps has some experience treating dogs with chronic diseases).


We hope this article shed some light on the subject of skin allergies in dogs and how to care for them. Remember, there are many different types of conditions that can affect your dog’s skin. Therefore, be sure to check with your veterinarian if you’re unsure about what type might be affecting your pet.


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